Leather By Johan

My meanderings and adventures in LeatherCraft

My Photo
Name: JOhan
Location: Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A Face in Clay

Some explaining tex to follow...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Life casting

Leather Ralated? Yes, this is the first part that comes before the mask making you can also see on this blog - just about a month or two ago.

I attended the first of three classes by Alex Ortega in the making of your own mold on which to make a leather Commedia Del'Arte mask. The mold is of your own face! Freaky! But extremely interesting and a huge lot of fun!

The first part is to make a cardboard surround for your face so that the dentist's plastic do not drip on everything.

The subject lies ready to face the ordeal...!

The cold stuff hits your face and all goes dark - even through your closed eyelids. Two straws up the nose are your only breathing holes to the outside world and you have to lie with a totally still face for a few minutes while the plastics sets. You can hear all around you, but you cannot respond.

Alex was very good with a pre-arranged signal that would have the goo off your face in seconds if you felt uncomfortable!

While you lie there, motionless, a layer of plaster is applied over the dentist's plastic to support it - although it picks up the minutest detail of your skin, the plastic is not very tear resistant and is almost like very stif jello. From the time the first plastic hits your face to the time you can sit upright again, is probably only about 20 minutes. (The pink stuff smells very pleasantly of cinnamon and is not tooooo uncomfortable on your face.)

The first of the casts comes off and it is a negative copy of your face. This will be used to make a plaster copy of your face. Even the pores on your nose are shown on this material and on the plaster cast made of this.

This is the second casting - plaster into the flimsy pink negative - this will be the first copy of your face.

And this is what the copy of your face looks like!

Soon, more photos of myself suffering this indignancy and what my own mold looks like!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Lazy Dots

My son has to have belt for the Renaisance Fair - so I had to make one, not too fancy, so I decided on small gold dots.

This as achieved by simply doing the dots with a big round seeder, and then gilding them with Plaid Gold Leaf - quick and dirty....!

Here is some detail:

You can see some of my stuff for sale at: