First Steps with Diabetes


Sunday I wanted to donate blood at the state fair.  I was denied, because my blood pressure was too high.

I started monitoring my blood pressure and it did not want to come down.  So I made an appointment to see the doctor on Wednesday morning.  He tweaked my BP meds a bit and did some blood labs.

The next day I got a call from the clinic with me lab results :  “Everything is fine, except your blood sugar levels.  They are very high.  You have been diagnosed with diabetes.”  What else she said I can honestly not remember……

The rest of Thursday was a rollercoaster ride of all the emotions you always hear when people loose loved ones.   The one emotion I have been left with is terror in various levels.

I am due for my annual checkup in two weeks and that is when I will learn more.   I assume that I will not die immediately or go blind or loose a foot or whatever else can go wrong with you when you have diabetes.

I have been looking a bit on the web, but I have no facts to work from – what type do I have, should I eat more or less or more regular.

All this stress is doing a new number on my BP – the tweaked meds is not helping too much.

That kind of sums up where I am now.   I have not told anybody else – because I think my stress is so high, I want to burst out in tears even just thinking about talking to anybody.   But maybe I should make a big effort and just let go of it toward someone.