Leaves Before Snow

I suppose I am slowly converting to being a true Minnesotan – this is the first year that I feel the snow needs to wait a while. At least until all the trees have dropped their leaves.

It is also not very nice to have snow on the ground when our temperatures are still above freezing at times – this allows the snow to melt and then freeze again as ice and that does not clean up very easily.

So, summer should be above zero C and have rain and winter should be below
zero C and snow only.

I remember a small panic the first winter we were here: I went to Wallmart one evening while it was sleeting (rain that freezes as it hits anything). When I came out of the shop, I could not get the car’s door open – it had frozen shut and there was nothing I could do. The wind was quite strong and therefor it was very cold! I could not phone Gina to come get me – we only had the one car then, and it was too cold to walk the mile back to the apartment.

Small panic…!

Luckily I realized that the passenger door was in the lee of the car and had not been welded shut by the freezing rain. I got in that side and somehow managed to worm into the driver’s seat!

It will not be long though before we go below freezing permanently and then I can just enjoy the snow – hopefully a lot this year – with my mom’s visit it will be nice if she gets the full Minnesota treatment!